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Writer's pictureMadhurya

11 Ways not to care about what society thinks of you

Over the past few blogs, I spoke a lot about the positive and negative influence society has on us. In this blog, I’m here to talk about how to not care about what society thinks of you and be unapologetically yourself.

You can also check-out the audio version below.


Here’s are 11 such ways...


Practicing self-validation

No one knows you better than yourself. No one knows your strengths, weakness, capabilities. In a world where each one of us is self-centered and involved in our own world, it becomes very important for you to not rely on anyone to give you validation.

Giving validation to yourself about your strength, your weakness, your areas of improvement gives you positive affirmation and self-confidence and you tend to forget that there is a negative society out there waiting to pull your leg down when you’re trying to achieve something in life.


Not getting involved in gossip and unwanted social talk

Socializing is an important aspect of life as we know it today. But overindulging in gossip and negative social talk will have a negative impact on your mind and your outlook towards life in general.

A lot of time, we tend to give in to these negative talks and prioritize the wrong things in life and care too much about others’ lives, and their problems, and give too much importance to society’s opinions without any consideration of them being good or bad.


Maintain perspective

In a world filled with constant visual content influencing our thinking, our thoughts, and opinions, it becomes very important and vital to maintain your perspective about life and society in general.

Your opinions and thoughts are what make you unique. Do not give in to the common opinions of society to please people and be influenced by things that you don’t believe in. Value your own thoughts and opinions over others and over society’s opinions.


Focus on yourself and your life

In a constantly growing and developing world, it is very important to focus on yourself as you are the center of your world by learning and exploring your abilities and thoughts more.

When you are focused on your life, you will hardly have any time left to focus on society and its opinions and live your life guilt-free and as per your dreams and aspirations.


Find your group of people

I’m sure all of you had tons of friends during your school and college days. But as you grow older and get into the cycle of life, you tend to filter out your friend circle and maintain a couple of friendships, that share common opinions and interests.

Having a smaller group of friends who know and understand you and share common ground, gives you a sense of belonging in this society. You don’t feel like an alien anymore.


Be vulnerable and communicate with your group of friends

Communication is key to survival. Be open about your concerns, your opinions with your group of friends.

Being vulnerable opens up a ton of chances for growth and learning. Being vulnerable within your group provides you a sense of comfort and is a no-judgment zone making you feel safe.

Having a set of friends you can be this way, really helps your mental wellbeing, and give you hope and confidence to take on the world.


Do not give in to societal norms

Our society has a set of preconceived norms and gender stereotypes that it wants all of us to follow without any questions. Do not give in to these norms, do not compromise on the chances you get in life. Explore your life as per your wishes and do not be concerned if your wishes fit into societal norms.


Practice self-love and self-care

Loving yourself is the biggest cure for all the problems we think we have in life. When we love ourselves for who we are, we truly believe in our potential and want only the best things.

Selfcare is often seen as a selfish act in our society. It’s considered rude to prioritize yourself and care for yourself and not care about its implications on others’ life.

Only when you can love yourself, you can love the world and enjoy all the things in it.

Stop caring about whether it is selfish to indulge in self-care and just do it. You will love yourself more when you value yourself more and believe the fact that you’re worth everything you want and desire in life.


Prioritize yourself and be unapologetically yourself

Our society enjoys making us feel guilty for being ourselves. Always prioritize yourself in life and stop caring about what people in your society might think of your choices or your lifestyle.

It’s you who has to live your life and deal with it, so be unapologetically yourself and make your decisions that make your dreams come true, do not listen to what the world has to say to you, listen to your mind and heart, and be yourself. Society will always have a million things to say to us anyway...



This might seem so simple and obvious, but this is the hardest of all. Ignoring something that makes it, its business to be all up in our life is truly hard.

Society and its opinions have a very big impact on our lives. We give in to a lot of societal norms even without knowing about them.

Our thinking is conditioned in such a way that it becomes very difficult to ignore the social norms and get on with your life and your choices.

Make a conscious effort to ignore these societal norms and break more barriers.


Never compromise

One annoying thing society preached to us from a very young age is to compromise and adjust in life. This is the worst advice anyone can give.

In a growing world, it’s an important life skill to learn to adapt, but adjustment and compromise are not the way to live.

When society tells you something is unachievable or nonsensical, do not adjust and give in to its opinion, fight through your decision of giving up.

Never compromise when society tells you something is unattainable, instead, work through the cracks and get things done and prove the world wrong.


These are a few ways on how to not care so much about what society thinks of you.

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